Our Service Approach
Allergychoices works as an extension of your practice, bringing expertise in critical areas that simplify implementing allergy drop treatment and keep your staff focused on important patient issues.
We make it straightforward to add a safe and effective allergy treatment option as a complement to what you currently offer.
- No contracts
- No need to hire additional staff
- Seamless implementation
- No overhead or additional expenses
Our focus is to help you expand your expertise, from diagnostics and treatment to adherence and practice growth.
Pharmacy →
With Allergychoices Pharmacy as an option for your patients, you can quickly treat patients without adding overhead.
Allergy Testing (diagnostics) →
You can use your existing diagnostics, or we can help you implement skin testing matched to the La Crosse Method™ Protocol treatment based on each patient’s individual allergic fingerprint.
Practice Support →
Allergychoices’ registered pharmacists, along with medical advisors and authors of the La Crosse Method can guide you as you apply principles of the protocol across a wide array of patients and allergy-related conditions.
Practice Growth & Marketing →
Our Business Development and Marketing teams advise on the most effective ways to communicate with patients, community, referrers, and help build a successful treatment program.