What You Need to Know About Candida Allergy

Before we get started, you may be simply wondering: what is candida? Valid question. Candida albicans is a healthy yeast that grows in nearly everyone. It’s typically harmless and grows on mucous membranes in the sinuses, throat, intestine, and genital tract.
The only time it becomes a little more harmful than harmless is when individuals experience an overgrowth of candida and then become allergic to it. While it sounds like a strange occurrence, it’s becoming more and more recognized in the allergy world, and could be the root of many people’s suffering.
Effects of Candida Overgrowth and Allergy
Many people don’t know how an overgrowth of candida makes them feel and are often diagnosed with other conditions instead. A few signs of candida overgrowth are:
- Recurrent yeast infections
- White, coated tongue
- Excessive intestinal gas and bloating
- Increased cravings for sugar
These symptoms, along with the ones below, may show that you actually have a candida allergy:
- Progressive fatigue and aching
- Brain fog
- Bowel distress
- Increased sensitivity to foods, chemicals, and molds
Additionally, many women experience the effects of a candida allergy as chronic allergic vaginitis. Because the vaginal mucosa has a similar make up to the sinuses and nasal passages, allergic symptoms can manifest there — like itching, change in discharge, irritation, and pain.
How to Determine If You’re Allergic
It’s important to be tested for an allergy to candida to create a treatment plan and get candida symptoms under control. A skin or blood allergy test can determine what you are allergic to and at what specific level. This will help determine if you’re allergic to candida, and which other food and environmental allergies may be impacting your total allergen load.
Treating Candida Allergy
There are a few modifications you can make to reduce the amount of candida in the body. Reducing sugar intake and foods that contain yeast — like alcoholic beverages, aged cheeses, breads and dried fruits — can help. Focusing on eating natural and whole foods can also be helpful.
Allergychoices also advocates for treating the cause of allergies with personalized allergy drops following The La Crosse Method™ Protocol. This is a natural and individually tailored treatment that slowly introduces the body to the harmful allergens that cause symptoms — including candida. Over time, the body becomes used to the allergens and learns not to react.
To determine if an allergy to candida is causing your symptoms, start by finding an allergy provider near you to discuss if allergy testing and allergy drop treatment might be right for you.