The Increase of Asthma and Allergies After Flooding

Across the country, flooding has become more and more frequent – after hurricanes, heavy storms, the melting of snow – and its impact can be detrimental for those with an allergy to mold. Since mold thrives in damp and dark conditions, it can become nearly unmanageable after flooding. This blog outlines why mold allergies occur, how to prevent them after flooding, and how to treat the cause of the allergy.
Why You’re Sick After Flooding
Mold is one of the few allergens you can see with the naked eye, though the part that makes you sick is microscopic. Mold has spores that are released and circulate in the air, and when someone breathes them in, they can cause an allergic reaction, leading to symptoms like:
- Allergic rhinitis
- Hives
- Asthma
- And delayed symptoms like chronic congestion, recurrent sinusitis, eczema, headache, fatigue
While you can see moldy areas inside the home, there is also constantly mold swirling outdoors; especially so after a flood. This study found that the concentration of mold spores was nearly double in flooded areas, compared to non-flooded areas, after hurricane Katrina. It’s a hard allergen to avoid, so there are a few solutions.
Home Solutions
The first option for avoiding sickness from mold is to adjust your home if it was affected. Harvard Medical recommends the following:
- Use dehumidifiers in damp areas
- Increase ventilations by using large fans or opening windows
- Dispose of moldy materials while using protective gear (like N95 masks)
- Minimize your time in infected spaces until cleaned thoroughly
Once your home is cleaned out, it’s a good idea to install HEPA filters, use dehumidifiers regularly, and to keep your eyes peeled for future mold growth.
Symptoms can be managed with antihistamines and other symptom-relievers like decongestants, nasal rinses, and pain relievers. While these can help, they don’t treat the real issue – the mold allergy – they just mask the symptoms.
Long-Term Treatment
The best way to avoid symptoms is treat the cause of the underlying allergy. Immunotherapy introduces the body to the allergies that cause symptoms by slowly and safely increasing the amount of allergens over time.
Allergychoices advocates for allergy drops following The La Crosse Method™ Protocol because they’re custom to each patient and include all the allergens that show up positive on allergy testing. With gradually increasing doses, the body learns to not react when naturally exposed to allergens – reducing symptoms to mold and other environmental allergens.
If flooding is a problem in your area, and you suspect mold may be causing symptoms, it may be time to consider talking with someone who can identify and help you treat the root cause. Find a provider near you that offers custom treatment here.