
Sinusitis: Breaking the Antibiotic Cycle

November 27, 2019

Sinus pressure, headaches, postnasal drip, congestion and cough are key indicators of sinusitis, and without proper treatment, symptoms can go on for weeks – and sometimes indefinitely. For those with chronic sinusitis, the treatment plan is traditionally one antibiotic after another, and many experience minimal relief. Before taking another pill, consider the difference between relieving…

Learn about breaking the antibiotic cycle…

An Allergy to Fungus Could be Causing Your Chronic Sinusitis

January 24, 2018

As if typical cold symptoms aren’t bothersome enough, some people feel facial pressure, general pain and additional mucus due to sinusitis. Unfortunately, while many patients do have a sinus infection, the cause is often misjudged and therefore the treatment prescribed is not effective. Research has found that allergy is to blame in a large percentage…

Learn about the connection between chronic sinusitis and allergy…