
Probiotics to Support Gut Health: A Helpful Component of Allergy Treatment

June 28, 2017

Previously here, we discussed the importance of the microbiome in gastrointestinal (GI) health. Many patients being treated for allergic issues using sublingual immunotherapy have associated GI issues that can be helped with adjunct therapy using probiotics. With so many people affected by digestive disorders, it’s important to review how to ensure your microbiome is supported…

Learn about the role of probiotics in allergy treatment…

The Microbiome, Health Phenomenon of the Future?

June 14, 2017

Hippocrates, the Greek physician who was deemed the “Father of Modern Medicine,” may be best known for his quote, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates also said, “All disease starts in the gut.” And as modern medicine continues to evolve, this could not seem truer. Gut health is a hot…

Learn about the microbiome…