
Can allergy drops make you sleepy?

November 7, 2023

Allergy drop immunotherapy does not make you sleepy. Some allergy symptom-relievers, like Benadryl, list drowsiness as a side effect, so you need to be thoughtful about when you take them. But, disease-modifying treatment like allergy drops, or sublingual immunotherapy, does not – because the ingredients are simple. The only ingredients in allergy drops following the…

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Are Allergy Drops Better Than Allergy Shots?

Are Allergy Drops Better Than Allergy Shots?

October 8, 2023

Research shows that both subcutaneous immunotherapy (allergy shots) and sublingual immunotherapy (allergy drops) can treat the root cause of allergy. Though, there are a few elements that patients can consider that may make allergy drops a better option for them. Safety and personalization Allergy drops following The La Crosse Method™ Protocol have a great safety…

Learn the differences between allergy shots and allergy drops...

Reduce Food Fears in Your Halloween Fun

September 27, 2023

Halloween is coming, which can be scary when you have children with food allergies. We don’t want to ruin the holiday and fun of getting Halloween candy, but it can be dangerous when kids swap candy or when your child isn’t 100% sure if they can or cannot eat a specific type of candy. The…

Learn about Halloween safety...

Why You Suffer with Fall Allergies and How to Fix It

August 8, 2023

50 million Americans suffer through allergies, but most don’t realize why allergies impact them and how to treat the cause. With fall allergies in full swing, it might be a good time to consider how you can feel better before the next allergy season hits. How Allergies Work When you breathe in airborne particles, the…

Learn how to fix fall allergies...
Woman holding allergy drop bottle

Is Sublingual Immunotherapy Effective?

August 4, 2023

Yes! Patient studies show that allergy drops, or sublingual immunotherapy following The La Crosse Method™ Protocol, are effective in reducing — or eliminating — allergy symptoms. Sublingual immunotherapy can also be effective in treating allergy-related conditions like asthma, eczema, headaches, and other illnesses that are negatively impacted by allergy. The goal for treating environmental allergies…

Learn how effective allergy drops can be...
Hourglass with blue sand

Do You Have to Take Allergy Drops Forever?

August 4, 2023

For most patients, you should not have to take allergy drops forever. Personalized allergy drop immunotherapy following the La Crosse Method™ Protocol is meant to be a short-term therapy with long-lasting effects. What does that mean? Allergy drop immunotherapy is a custom treatment that contains precise amounts of the allergens that you’re allergic to. Over…

Learn how long you need to take allergy drops...
Medical doctor education a patient

How Often Can You Use Allergy Drops?

August 2, 2023

Allergy drops are not like other at-home allergy products like antihistamines, eye drops, and inhalers that give you a quick fix and then the benefits wear off. Allergy drop immunotherapy is a prescription therapy — a personalized, disease-modifying treatment. It’s tailored to each patient to train the body to stop reacting to problematic allergens —…

See what clinicians recommend for allergy drop dosing...
Woman taking a dose of allergy drops

What is sublingual immunotherapy?

June 29, 2023

Sublingual immunotherapy, also known as allergy drops, is a form of disease-modifying allergy treatment similar to allergy shots. Instead of a shot, sublingual immunotherapy works as a liquid drop that is placed under the tongue. Sublingual: applied under the tongue Immunotherapy: therapy that uses substances to stimulate or suppress the immune system to help the…

Learn what allergy drops are...
Drawing of the sun in beach sand with flip flops

Ways to Avoid Summer Allergy Irritants

June 7, 2023

Nothing can put a damper on summer fun quite like allergies — as soon as symptoms hit, you’re at a standstill until you get them under control. Summer comes with more than the typical seasonal sniffles because other irritants — like insect bites, chlorine, sunscreen, and smoke from campfires and grills — are everywhere. In…

Learn how to cope with summer allergies