
Superfoods: Bite into the Benefits

February 10, 2016

You seldom read anything about nutrition in mainstream media recently without mention of superfoods. These nutrition-dense, powerhouse foods boast a number of benefits when introduced into your diet. There is no medical definition for “superfoods,” but there is nutritional data to support their inclusion in a balanced diet. No one food will be the cure-all…

Learn about the benefits of superfoods…

The Problem with Allergy Avoidance

January 27, 2016

Every time I see a headline about another fatal or near-fatal allergic reaction to food, it makes me sad. Then it makes me angry. With food allergy on the rise in the U.S., more food allergic people, and parents of food allergic children, have raised a red flag and demanded better answers and solutions. As…

Learn why allergy avoidance isn’t the answer…

Is it a Cold or is it an Allergy?

January 13, 2016

Every year around this time, a friend of mine struggles with his “annual cold.” It comes — almost like clockwork — at the same time, every year. Same symptoms — perpetual congestion, daily drip, cough, and endless sneezing fits. And it lasts far, far longer than it should. Then, again like clockwork, once the brutal…

Learn the difference between a cold and allergy…

Resolution Rebound: Five Simple Tips for Keeping it Real

December 30, 2015

New Year’s is quickly approaching: a time to evaluate the previous year’s successes and to look toward new adventures to come. For some, a New Year’s resolution is highly anticipated and motivating, but for others a New Year’s resolution can be a dreaded reminder of past disappointment. Following the below suggestions can help your New…

Get some tips for those New Year’s resolutions…

SLIT for Peanut Allergy: What we’re learning from clinical experience

November 18, 2015

When my father, Dr. David Morris, began offering sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) more than four decades ago, his motivation was to offer patients who were not having success with allergy injection immunotherapy another disease-modifying option. Initially, the patients who gravitated to SLIT were mold-allergic patients who were not helped by or unable to tolerate injection immunotherapy.…

Learn about SLIT for Peanut Allergy…

Tips for allergy drop adherence

November 5, 2015

The old saying rings true: Medication only works if you take it. It is hard for your medication to work if it stays in the bottle. Taking medication effectively involves collaboration between the physician, the pharmacist and the patient; one that can work beautifully as it is the start of better health, a healthier and…

Get some tips for allergy drop adherence…

Three is the Key to Development of Allergic Tolerance

October 7, 2015

Three is the key…this number holds a lot of importance in what believe makes the La Crosse Method™ Protocol safe and effective long term. First, three doses a day. Every day. That’s been our daily mantra for dosing with allergy drops for decades. Many patients and providers ask why three doses a day is important.…

Learn more about the development of allergic tolerance…

Glycerin: The Ideal Diluent for Sublingual Immunotherapy Allergy Drops

September 23, 2015

Using the La Crosse Method™ Protocol at Allergychoices, we believe that a critical point of under the tongue delivery of the antigens for sublingual immunotherapy is the vehicle in which the antigens are suspended. Our nearly 45 year history with custom sublingual immunotherapy allergy drops, along with 195,000 patients and billions of treatment doses, has…

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Why Does Sublingual Immunotherapy Work?

September 8, 2015

Drops under the tongue? How is that is going to help my allergies? I used to hear this daily from my patients and now there seems to be a seismic shift in what patients know about sublingual immunotherapy, or allergy drops, and their success in allergy treatment. Sublingual immunotherapy involves more than the gradual increasing…

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