
Suffering from Chronic Vaginitis: Could it be Allergy?

November 15, 2017

A recurring topic on this blog dives into how allergy doesn’t always look like allergy. It’s one of the marvels in the allergy world and is something that keeps allergists and patients alike on their toes. Dr. George Kroker, partner at Allergy Associates of La Crosse and an author of the La Crosse Method™ Protocol,…

Learn about the allergy / chronic vaginitis connection…

Immunotherapy is the Last Resort | Allergy Myth #2

November 1, 2017

With 50 million people in the U.S. having allergy, only a fraction receive treatment that actually modifies the disease – the others avoid, suffer, or take medication to temporarily relieve symptoms that don’t go away. A quick Google search will often advise that seeking immunotherapy treatment for allergy is only needed once you’ve reached the…

Get the answer to one allergy myth…

My Child Will Outgrow Food Allergies | Allergy Myth #1

October 18, 2017

Eight percent of children less than two years old suffer from food allergies, and many go untreated due to the common allergy myth “my child will outgrow food allergies.” We’ll pause here and say that it’s not a complete myth; many children do indeed grow out of their food allergy. However Vijay Sabnis, MD, partner…

Learn if your child will outgrow their food allergies?

Teal is the New Orange

October 4, 2017

Will I be too cold if I don’t wear a jacket? How fast do you think I can go door to door down this street? Who wants my Almond Joy bars? Will this house have a treat I can actually eat? Does this candy bar have peanuts in it? Do we have a treatment plan…

Learn about the Teal Pumpkin Project...

Taking the Burn out of Cedar Fever: A new look at treatment options

September 20, 2017

If you have any ties to Texas, you are sure to hear anecdotes about the intimidating and vicious cedar fever. Grunts, moans, and complaints ensue for the entirety of the winter months. Cedar fever isn’t a sickness, a cold or flu that comes over Texas for the same time period, year after year. It’s an…

Learn about treatment options for cedar fever…

The Madness Behind the Mold Count

September 6, 2017

A green air sampling machine sits atop the Allergy Associates of La Crosse building, turning with the wind and vacuuming in air to trap pollen and mold samples on a greased slide. Tony Kavanaugh, medical laboratory technician at Allergy Associates, climbs up to the roof nearly every morning to retrieve the sample for the day. He grabs the…

Learn about mold spore counts…

The gluten-free dilemma: Should I be gluten-free? How?

August 23, 2017

Eating gluten free is on the minds of many health conscious people today, but why is it important for some people to eat gluten free and not others? Let’s take some time and explore three health conditions related to the need to reduce or eliminate gluten and how it can be managed. First, it’s important…

Learn about the gluten-free dilemma…

Mold Allergies: When pollen is gone and symptoms drag on

August 9, 2017

Mold is a tricky, complex allergy, but successful treatment has been found for many patients through allergy drops using the La Crosse Method™ Protocol. Thanks, in part, to farmers. Dr. George Kroker, partner at Allergy Associates of La Crosse, told the story. “For a while at our clinic, early on, shots and drops were both…

Learn why your allergy symptoms drag on…

Ragweed 101: What it is and how to avoid its common (and uncommon) consequences

July 26, 2017

Do you ever notice that the sick days at your workplace seem to increase over late summer and early fall? Whether it feels like a nasty cold, sinus infection, or as some would say, the feeling of “getting hit by a truck,” it seems to always sweep through around that time. Chances are that the…

Learn about ragweed allergy…