Welcome to Allergychoices' bi-monthly blog. Our blog posts fall into several categories: Allergic Conditions, Allergy Control Program, Allergy-Friendly Holidays, Environmental Allergies, Food Allergy, La Crosse Method Protocol, Nutrition/Wellness, Pediatric Allergy, Sublingual Immunotherapy. Or you can see the most recent posts below...
When Cupid Brings Allergy to Valentine’s Day
Romantic comedies have set the bar high for Valentine’s Day, and they may have even shaped the holiday as we know it today. It seems like no one really knows the origin of the holiday — some think it’s celebrated due to a Roman festival, the death of a saint, or a celebration of spring…
Learn about allergy friendly Valentine’s Day gifts…An Allergy to Fungus Could be Causing Your Chronic Sinusitis
As if typical cold symptoms aren’t bothersome enough, some people feel facial pressure, general pain and additional mucus due to sinusitis. Unfortunately, while many patients do have a sinus infection, the cause is often misjudged and therefore the treatment prescribed is not effective. Research has found that allergy is to blame in a large percentage…
Learn about the connection between chronic sinusitis and allergy…Allergy & Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – What’s the Connection?
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a very common disease that affects 5-10% of the general population. Most times, individuals are diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome after a number of tests have been completed with no determining factor as to what is causing symptoms. When testing for ulcers, reflux and structural issues all come back negative,…
Learn about the allergy / IBS connection…Suffering from Chronic Vaginitis: Could it be Allergy?
A recurring topic on this blog dives into how allergy doesn’t always look like allergy. It’s one of the marvels in the allergy world and is something that keeps allergists and patients alike on their toes. Dr. George Kroker, partner at Allergy Associates of La Crosse and an author of the La Crosse Method™ Protocol,…
Learn about the allergy / chronic vaginitis connection…My Child Will Outgrow Food Allergies | Allergy Myth #1
Eight percent of children less than two years old suffer from food allergies, and many go untreated due to the common allergy myth “my child will outgrow food allergies.” We’ll pause here and say that it’s not a complete myth; many children do indeed grow out of their food allergy. However Vijay Sabnis, MD, partner…
Learn if your child will outgrow their food allergies?Teal is the New Orange
Will I be too cold if I don’t wear a jacket? How fast do you think I can go door to door down this street? Who wants my Almond Joy bars? Will this house have a treat I can actually eat? Does this candy bar have peanuts in it? Do we have a treatment plan…
Learn about the Teal Pumpkin Project...Taking the Burn out of Cedar Fever: A new look at treatment options
If you have any ties to Texas, you are sure to hear anecdotes about the intimidating and vicious cedar fever. Grunts, moans, and complaints ensue for the entirety of the winter months. Cedar fever isn’t a sickness, a cold or flu that comes over Texas for the same time period, year after year. It’s an…
Learn about treatment options for cedar fever…The Madness Behind the Mold Count
A green air sampling machine sits atop the Allergy Associates of La Crosse building, turning with the wind and vacuuming in air to trap pollen and mold samples on a greased slide. Tony Kavanaugh, medical laboratory technician at Allergy Associates, climbs up to the roof nearly every morning to retrieve the sample for the day. He grabs the…
Learn about mold spore counts…