
What Are You Missing From Milk?

March 20, 2019

Have you heard the recent buzz about rising milk allergies in the U.S.? For those with a milk allergy, it’s important to replace the nutrients taken away when eliminating milk with alternatives. Here you’ll find milk’s essential nutrients, the importance of milk in the human diet, and alternatives to milk. Milk’s Essential Nutrients Cow’s milk…

Learn about milk’s essential nutrients…

Replacing Lost Nutrients Due to Food Allergies

March 6, 2019

Many people mistake a food intolerance for a food allergy. For those with diagnosed food allergy, contact with a certain protein causes the body to produce an immunoglobulin E antibody (IgE), which can result in a variety of symptoms. The majority of food allergy diagnoses require complete avoidance of foods containing the allergen. A food…

Learn about replacing lost nutrients if you have food allergies…

Are my allergies giving me anxiety?

February 20, 2019

Anxiety and depression come in all forms — so does allergy. But are the two conditions related? Dr. George Kroker, retired partner from Allergy Associates of La Crosse and a co-author of the La Crosse Method™ Protocol explains the intriguing link between allergies and anxiety and depression. More notably, he has often seen gratifying improvements in…

Learn about the intriguing link between allergies and anxiety and depression…

How to Choose a Food Allergy Friendly Hotel this Spring Break

February 6, 2019

There’s no doubt that food allergy parents know their way around Google. After a food allergy diagnosis within a family, online searches are common: Safe restaurants, ingredient lists, “grocery stores near me.” When leaving the comfortable bubble of your hometown, no amount of searching can make you totally comfortable. A bit of uncertainty will just…

Get some tips to finding a food allergy friendly hotel…

Brain Health and the MIND Diet

January 9, 2019

As a society, we’re on the never-ending journey to stay young in mind and body. We do many things to maintain our youth. Exercise, eating right, limiting alcohol intake and avoiding smoking are all factors commonly known to support a better aging process. Though wrinkles and graying hair may be a bother to some, they…

Learn about the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay diet…

5 New Year’s Environmental Allergy Resolutions

December 26, 2018

New Year’s resolutions are a great way to refocus on something you’ve been slacking on, usually health related. Knowing that only five percent of people with allergy actually get disease modifying treatment, focusing on allergy in 2019 is something many people could benefit from. Managing allergy can seem daunting, but choosing one (or all!) of…

Read about New Year’s resolutions for environmental allergy…

What’s keeping you up at night? It could be allergy.

December 12, 2018

Sleep: It’s an essential part of life. In fact, we spend one third of our lives sleeping. Our circadian rhythm, also known as the sleep-wake cycle, is the internal 24 hour cycle which tells our bodies when to sleep, wake and eat. This cycle regulates many biological processes and if disrupted, our sleeping and eating…

Better understand if allergy is keeping you up at night…

Kick Dust Mite Allergy to the Curb this Winter

November 28, 2018

As soon as the weather cools off and activities shift indoors, dust mites smile. Okay, maybe they don’t smile, but they start to populate. It’s their favorite time! As clean as you think you may be, they’re everywhere. Dust Mite Facts Dust mites are eight legged, microscopic creatures. They live in warm areas with high…

Get tips for controlling dust mites…

Morning sickness and… allergy symptoms?

November 14, 2018

There are a million questions about pregnancy; for most people, allergy and asthma aren’t at the top of the list. But, it seems to be a reoccurring theme online. Can I take my allergy medication? Is my asthma getting worse during my first trimester? I’ve never had allergies, but now that I’m pregnant, I can’t…

Learn about the pregnancy and allergies connection…