
How To Create an Allergy-Free, At-Home Workspace

April 1, 2020

The spread of COVID-19 has led many industries to quickly change how they operate. Essential businesses have adjusted their everyday practices to accommodate the most vulnerable populations. For many, this means employees work from home, switch to virtual meetings and adjust to a new work-life balance. As you get used to your new workspace, your…

Read how to create an allergy-free, at-home workspace…

Check Your Symptoms: COVID-19, Flu, and Allergies

March 18, 2020

During an uncertain time in our world with the spread of COVID-19 among other viruses, any sign of illness can be nerve wracking. If you’re feeling under the weather, this blog can help you understand the difference in symptoms between COVID-19, the flu, and allergies. While resources like this can help you navigate uncertainty with…

Read about COVID-19, flu, and allergy symptoms…

7 Signs Your Child Should See an Allergy Provider

March 4, 2020

If your child seems to be sick at the same time year after year, it may not be the back to school influx of germs or the flu bug that flies around each winter, it could be allergy. Below are seven common signs that your child should be evaluated by an allergy provider. 1. Constant…

Read about the signs your child should see an allergy provider…

3 Reasons Asthma Can Be Worse In The Winter

February 19, 2020

Do your asthma symptoms seem to get worse in the winter months? You’re not alone. Depending on your underlying allergies and identified triggers, different seasons can bring on additional symptoms: Wheezing Shortness of breath Frequent respiratory infections Cough – can be chronic, with phlegm, or dry, mild or severe Chest tightness Irritated throat A variety…

Learn why asthma can be worse in winter…

What’s the Difference Between Cold, Flu and Allergies?

February 5, 2020

The different illnesses that run rampant this time of year make any public space a danger zone. Don’t touch the shopping cart, do sanitize your work space, and wash your hands often – avoidance is key. But knowing what you, and those around you, are sick with can help you fight back and know your…

Learn the difference between cold, flu and allergies…

Need a Resolution? Remember to Take Your Meds

January 22, 2020

Your medications won’t work if you don’t take them — that’s not new news. But, life gets busy and unfortunately, taking your medication isn’t always at top of mind. In 2020, there are so many different ways to remind yourself to stay adherent, there’s hardly an excuse to miss your dose. Allergy drops following the…

Learn some ideas to keep you on track…

20 years in 2020 – Here’s 20 Facts About Allergychoices

January 8, 2020

2020 is an exciting year for Allergychoices — it’s our 20th year of helping providers offer disease modifying allergy treatment to patients across the United States. Our mission for the past 20 years has been to expand affordable access, better outcomes and quality of life to the full range of allergy sufferers through patient-specific, validated…

Learn 20 facts about Allergychoices…

Eczema: Avoiding Constant Need for Skin Creams

December 24, 2019

A previous blog compared symptom relief and disease modification in the treatment of sinusitis. That story seems to repeat itself within a long list of allergic conditions that have an underlying allergy component – eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is one of them. Eczema can occur at any age, but it’s most common in children; impacting…

Learn about avoiding the constant need for skin creams…

Keep Holidays Safe For Those With Food Allergies

December 11, 2019

Most holiday events seem to be centered around food – baking, gathering for a meal, holiday potlucks and more. When your child has food allergy, it can make these “supposed to be fun” events pretty scary. The food allergy conversation can be awkward. You don’t want to be confrontational, but you understand the importance of…

Learn how to keep holidays safe for those with food allergies…