Allergic Conditions

Are You Missing the Allergic Connection? Look Below the Surface

September 30, 2020

You know the saying “it’s just the tip of the iceberg” – have you ever thought of it in terms of allergy? About one in five people have allergies, but only a portion of them have the typical allergy symptoms – itching, sneezing, and runny nose – that are associated with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Many…

Read more about the allergic iceberg…

How Can I Find Relief From My Itchy, Allergy Eyes?

September 16, 2020

Allergy symptoms in the eyes – they’re not something to scratch at. Called allergic conjunctivitis, some allergy sufferers experience a variety of symptoms in their eyes during allergy season. For those with indoor allergies, allergic conjunctivitis can stick around all year. Learn more about eye allergy symptoms and ways to prevent the itch and irritation…

Read more about relief for your allergy eyes…

Tired of Recurring Ear Infections? Consider Testing For Allergy

June 10, 2020

While ear infections are most common in children, they can also occur in repeatedly in adulthood. At that point, the option of ear tubes or “growing out of it” isn’t as feasible. Where can those with chronic ear infections turn? Start by getting to the cause of the infection.  Ear infections typically don’t just appear…

Read more about recurring ear infections…

Headache Triggers For People With Allergies

April 29, 2020

Allergy doesn’t always look like allergy — and allergy symptoms can manifest in many different ways. Some experience itchy throat and runny nose. Others know their allergies are peaking when they experience headaches or migraines, and some find that headaches are their only allergy symptom. Though a definitive cause of migraines isn’t totally clear, clinical…

Read about headache triggers for people with allergies…

7 Signs Your Child Should See an Allergy Provider

March 4, 2020

If your child seems to be sick at the same time year after year, it may not be the back to school influx of germs or the flu bug that flies around each winter, it could be allergy. Below are seven common signs that your child should be evaluated by an allergy provider. 1. Constant…

Read about the signs your child should see an allergy provider…

3 Reasons Asthma Can Be Worse In The Winter

February 19, 2020

Do your asthma symptoms seem to get worse in the winter months? You’re not alone. Depending on your underlying allergies and identified triggers, different seasons can bring on additional symptoms: Wheezing Shortness of breath Frequent respiratory infections Cough – can be chronic, with phlegm, or dry, mild or severe Chest tightness Irritated throat A variety…

Learn why asthma can be worse in winter…

What’s the Difference Between Cold, Flu and Allergies?

February 5, 2020

The different illnesses that run rampant this time of year make any public space a danger zone. Don’t touch the shopping cart, do sanitize your work space, and wash your hands often – avoidance is key. But knowing what you, and those around you, are sick with can help you fight back and know your…

Learn the difference between cold, flu and allergies…

Eczema: Avoiding Constant Need for Skin Creams

December 24, 2019

A previous blog compared symptom relief and disease modification in the treatment of sinusitis. That story seems to repeat itself within a long list of allergic conditions that have an underlying allergy component – eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is one of them. Eczema can occur at any age, but it’s most common in children; impacting…

Learn about avoiding the constant need for skin creams…

Sinusitis: Breaking the Antibiotic Cycle

November 27, 2019

Sinus pressure, headaches, postnasal drip, congestion and cough are key indicators of sinusitis, and without proper treatment, symptoms can go on for weeks – and sometimes indefinitely. For those with chronic sinusitis, the treatment plan is traditionally one antibiotic after another, and many experience minimal relief. Before taking another pill, consider the difference between relieving…

Learn about breaking the antibiotic cycle…

Flu Vaccine FAQs: Asthma and Food Allergy Edition

October 16, 2019

Flu season is here! If you haven’t already received your flu shot, know you can hurry to your pharmacy or primary care provider to get yours as soon as possible — even those with asthma and food allergies can safely get the flu shot. Dr. Sumona Kabir, allergist at Allergy Associates of La Crosse, answers…

Read more about the flu vaccine…