Allergic Conditions

Allergy Considerations for Wedding Planning

March 1, 2023

Your wedding is supposed to be the best day of your life — and there are several things to keep in mind to limit allergy making an objection on your big day. Whether you (or your most important guests!) have food or environmental allergies, there are a few things to avoid or alter to keep…

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New Pet Making You Sneeze? Tips to Manage Pet Allergies

February 15, 2023

Getting a new pet is exciting for all involved, but after having a new dog or cat in your home for a few weeks, you may find a member, or members, of your family start to feel sick. Itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, running nose and more can all be related to an allergy to your…

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3 signs you should be tested for allergy & 3 benefits of testing

February 1, 2023

To many, being tested for allergies seems like a bigger hassle than it’s worth — it can be time consuming and uncomfortable — but that’s changing. This is your sign that it may be time to rethink this notion. Below are three signs you may be a good candidate for allergy testing, and three benefits…

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What Your Allergy Control Measures Say About Your Allergies

January 18, 2023

Many people suffer through their allergy symptoms for far too long, thinking they’re something everyone “just has to deal with.” Most don’t even know what their problematic allergens are; they just know the time of year their allergies hit, or the measures they take to make themselves feel better throughout the year. This blog gives…

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It Finally Happened: Seeing Sesame on Food Labels

January 4, 2023

It finally happened! Thanks to The Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education, and Research (FASTER) Act that was passed in April of 2021, sesame is required to be listed as a major food allergen on food and beverage package labels. This change went into effect on January 1, 2023. This blog breaks down the importance of…

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Will a Nasal Spray Help My Allergies?

December 21, 2022

After suffering allergy season after allergy season, many people will offer their best piece of advice for managing your symptoms. One common recommendation is nasal sprays. This blog dives into how nasal sprays work, how they’re different than oral antihistamines, and how disease-modifying treatment can help reduce the need for symptom relievers over time. How…

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Have a soft spot for allergy sufferers? Help them through charitable giving this season

December 7, 2022

‘Tis the season of giving – not only gifts for family and friends, but many get in the spirit of giving to their community during the holidays, too. Giving to a cause you’re passionate about is even more rewarding, knowing that you’re helping someone who you may relate to or have a special connection to.…

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Unpacking Winter: Allergy-friendly tips for winter clothes, décor and more!

November 23, 2022

It’s that time of year when you head to the back of your closet or the depths of your storage area to pull out your winter items. Jackets, sweaters, mittens, hats, even holiday décor and winter quilts are making their appearance in your home. Outdoor allergens, like pollens, tend to become minimal once the first…

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How to Sleep Better with Allergies

November 9, 2022

For the most part, everyone knows the feeling of being tired. Sleep deprivation is a serious issue that can lead to health complications like weight gain, weakened immunity, irritability, and even heart disease. Allergies and their corresponding symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, headaches, and nasal congestion can cause someone to lose hours of valuable sleep.…

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Can Stress Make Allergies Worse?

October 12, 2022

Everyone has experienced stress at some point, but what is it? Stress is your body’s reaction to a threat or challenge. We generally think of stress as being caused by a negative situation like an overly hectic day at work or death of a loved one, but it can also be caused by positive events…

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